lasciato nel piatto da un sogno
a lungo atteso e perso nel sonno.
Neve negli occhi riflessa dal berretto
di passetti sghembi che intonano
il ritmo di una risata che corre.
Natale è saper guardare
all'altezza di quei passi
meraviglia vera senza pensiero
che celebra ogni nascita.
Giunga l'anno a sollevarci
per ricordarci di noi stessi
come piume di piume nell'aria
cercando in ogni respiro
l'incomprensibile bellezza
del nostro viaggiare.
Dedicato a tutti voi, augurandovi un anno nuovo che porti la meraviglia che risiede negli occhi dei bambini.
Christmas is the only raisin
left in the plate by a dream
so long awaited and lost in sleep.
Snow reflected in the eyes by a little cap
of small side rocking steps that intone
the rhythm of a running laugh.
Christmas is being able to look
at those steps' height
true wonder without thoughts
that celebrates each birth.
May the new year come to elevate us
and remind us of ourselves
like feathers of feathers in the air
searching for
the incomprehensible beauty
of our journey in every breath.
Dedicated to all of you, wishing you that the new year may bring the wonder that lies in the eyes of children.
Christmas is the only raisin
left in the plate by a dream
so long awaited and lost in sleep.
Snow reflected in the eyes by a little cap
of small side rocking steps that intone
the rhythm of a running laugh.
Christmas is being able to look
at those steps' height
true wonder without thoughts
that celebrates each birth.
May the new year come to elevate us
and remind us of ourselves
like feathers of feathers in the air
searching for
the incomprehensible beauty
of our journey in every breath.
Dedicated to all of you, wishing you that the new year may bring the wonder that lies in the eyes of children.
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