Il Principio - The Principle

Ognuno di noi possiede la verità, intraprende quindi il proprio cammino infinito per conoscerla. Questa è l'essenza del sentire, la luce dell'esistenza. Questo è il cammino che in ogni passo del sogno ci porta dal possedere la verità ad essere la verità.
Each of us possesses the truth, then undertakes his endless journey to know the truth. This is the essence of feeling, the light of existence. This is the path that in every step of the dream leads us from having the truth to being the truth.

Friday, 27 December 2013

La lama del risentimento - The blade of resentment

La lama del risentimento non ha manico


The blade of resentment hasn't got a handle

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

La felicità è adesso - Happiness is now

Del passato cogli l'esperienza e abbandona i rancori. Del futuro cogli i desideri e abbandona le aspettative. La felicità è adesso.


Of the past keep experience and let go of grudges. Of the future keep desires and let go of expectations. Happiness is now.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The ball

Oh how beautiful is the dance of souls, hand in hand we trip, trick and hold, then smile and bow, learn to show, stand, find a hand, again we go and swirl and swirl and turn and swoon and more and more, and dance dance and dance until we drop to the floor and in that last moment before closing our eyes, we'll finally remember who sent out the invites, while everyone wonders we won't be able to tell that the whole ball creator is the one who just fell.